AMRAPs: As Many Rescues As Possible
October is National Pitbull Awareness Month and National Adopt A Shelter Pet Month
October is National Pitbull Awareness Month and National Adopt A Shelter Pet Month. All month long we will be fundraising, doing pop-up events, showcasing rescuers, and of course, have an online competition!
Fundraise from anywhere, get your gym involved by dropping us an EMAIL.
October 1-31, 2024
To raise awareness for local rescues and the plight of shelter animals, but also to celebrate fitness and community. We're using this as a platform to raise funds and awareness for rescues and shelter animals around the country! Shelters all over the country are in crisis right now. We need to raise awareness and funds as quickly as possible, to be quite honest.
You have several options to get involved! You can
Sign up for our online Functional Fitness Competitions from 10/14-10/28
Host a charity workout at your gym
Any funds raised will be used to disburse grants to dogs in dire need of medical care, pay for pull fees, and pledge money to urgent animals to incentivize local rescues to pull them.


Our goal is to raise awareness during the month of October for shelter dogs as well as pit bull type dogs and the challenges they face.
We will be hosting an online functional fitness competition from 10/18-10/28, culminating on National Pit Bull Awareness Day, 10/28/24.
A peer-to-peer online fundraising option is also available, where participants can fundraise as an individual or team and earn incentives for themselves or their gym.
You may also sign up to host a charity workout or event at your gym!
Shelter overpopulation has always been a issue that Barbells For Bullies has discussed, but right now, we're in a crisis. Shelters are busrting at the seams.
This is about exemplifying our mission of fostering a fit community that rallies around rescue!
All the details for how to get involved can be found below. If you have any questions, email us at info@barbellsforbullies.org.

Facts, Stats, and Research
Shelter overpopulation is a major problem in the US. Over $3B is spent annually to maintain shalters, the majority of which are full or close to capacity at all times. An additional $800M-$1B is spent on animal control alone! Source
Live outcomes - that is animals that make it out of the shelter alive, vary greatly regionally and locally. Southern states in the US, Texas, and California have the lowest live outcome rates. It's estimated that over 70,000 pit bull type dogs are killed in the LA metro area annually alone! Source
Of the 3 million cats and dogs that are killed in shelters each year, over 80% of them are healthy and treatable and could have been adopted to loving homes. Read: animals are sometimes killed for space when they could be adopted out. Source
But you want a purebred, you say? 25% of dogs in shelters are purebred.Source
Labels are dangerous. Several studies have concluded that not only is it exceptionally difficult to accurately assess a dogs breed just by looking at it, but over 40% of dogs in shelters that were labeled as "pit bulls" were not at all any type of bully breed whatsoever! Source
Moreover, it's been empirically proven that mislabeling dogs, or labeling dogs as "pit bull mixes" reduce their chances of adoption significantly, presumably due to stereotypes and media bias. Several studies have shown that removing labels increases adoption rates and forces people to consider a dog as an individual - not as a "breed" alone. Source
How To Get Involved
Tell your gym owner, friends, coach, cousin, exes, and anybody else that is into fitness and also into being a good human that helps their community. It costs $20 to enter, and we will have prizes from some of the biggest names in fitness like AbMat, Crossover Symmtery, 5.11 Tactical and medals for top athletes. Plus you'll get to help shelter pups in the process!
Share on socials! Tell people about the event via Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, etc! The more people involved, the more of an impact we can make, the more awareness we can generate, the more lives we can save! Click HERE to use some informational slides on your socials
Want to do more? You can sign up as a gym/team and raise money WHILE raising awareness, or sign up as an individual. It's free, easy, and intuitive to set up a page. Click HERE then click "I want to fundraise for this."
Fundraising Incentives


Q: Do I need to be affiliated with a gym?
A: Nope, not at all. You can do this from your own home, just make sure to download the Google Sheet, track your reps and share it with us.
Q: Can I make this my own by doing something like for every $x raised I will do y deadlifts or run x miles or something?
A: Absolutely! We encourage people to make this their own and put their spin on it to keep themselves and their network engaged!
Q: I don't have a dog, can I still participate?
A: Of course. This is all about raising awareness (and funds if you choose). But hey, you can always contact a local rescue and foster.
Q: Is there a competitive element or a way for me to win prizes doing this?
A: Absolutely! If you sign up for either our competition or our Peer-to-Peer Fundraising initiative, you can earn prizes for placing at the top of the pack or incentives from some of the biggest names in fitness - like AbMat, 5.11 Tactical, Assault Fitness, and more!
Q: If I raise money via Facebook or Instagram does that count toward the fundraising total?
A: No, we are requiring people to raise via GiveLively as it gives us more transparency into who raised what amount. It's easy to sign up and only takes a couple clicks.
Q: If I sign up as a team, do I still earn individual incentives?
A: No, you are only eligible for one or the other. If you sign up as an individual, you are eligible for individuals prizes. If you sign up as a team - regardless of what you personally raise, you're only eligible for team prizes.
Q: If my company offers a cybergrant or company match, will that count towards my fundraising total?
A: Yes! We would just need an email and some type of information about the donation confirming what amount they're matching. Many large companies like Merck, Disney, and other Fortune 500s offer this, so it's worth checking into. Once we have confirmation of what they'll be donating, we will manually add that to your total. IE if you raise $2200, but we have an email saying Employer A is donating $300, we will ascribe you $2500 total raised!
Want to gear up for this event?
We got ya covered!
Click on the Shop icon above or click HERE to snag some Barbells For Bullies Gear - from 2POOD Weightbelts to shirts and more!
Barbells For Bullies' Impact Since 2016

AMRAPS: As Many Rescues As Possible
Our goal, as an organization, is to help AMRAP: As Many Rescues As Possible. Whether it's small rescues organizations around the US or rescue pups in need, we're here to help as many as we can. Regardless of breed, age, or location, we exist to fight for the underdog, and want to create a fit and socially conscientious community that rallies around rescue. Whether it involves a barbell or not, if it's about fitness and community, count us in.
We're here to make a difference, and let you know we all can make a difference. One random act of kindness at a time.